On Monday, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a low to moderate flash flood alert for six districts in Himachal Pradesh: Chamba, Kangra, Kinnaur, Mandi, Shimla, and Sirmaur. This alert comes as heavy rainfall continues to affect the region.

The IMD warned that surface run-off and inundation could occur in areas with already saturated soils and low-lying regions due to expected rain over the next 24 hours. Additionally, nine districts in the state were under a yellow alert for heavy rainfall, which will remain in effect on Tuesday, according to the Shimla office of the IMD.

In a related development, the Chandigarh-Manali highway was blocked for over four hours on Monday due to a landslide near Nine Mile, between Mandi and Pandoh. Heavy debris from the hillside covered the road, trapping three vehicles, including a truck and a bus. The road, closed at 5 a.m., was not cleared until after extensive restoration efforts. This blockage caused long vehicle queues and disrupted travel for essential and important work. Even after reopening, a traffic jam persisted for an additional hour.