Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Wednesday announced a compensation of Rs 4 lakh for the families who suffered losses in the flash flood that occurred due to heavy rains across the state. CM Khattar on Wednesday conducted an aerial survey of about four to five districts to take stock of the areas affected by heavy rains in the state. He then held a meeting with the officers of the district administration in Ambala and reviewed the relief and rescue operations in the district. During the meeting, the Chief Minister directed the officers of the district administration to first ensure timely drainage of water from waterlogged areas and make arrangements for food and other things for the people living in such areas.
“If the administration needs more pumps to drain the water, they should immediately make arrangements at their level or inform the headquarters,” the CM directed. He further ordered proper drainage of water from residential areas and fields should be ensured, so farmers do not face any kind of problem. Chief Minister Khattar said that directions have been given to all the Deputy Commissioners to assess the financial loss in their respective districts. The poor families whose houses have been damaged will be immediately repaired by the government.
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