A tragic incident unfolded late Friday night in Kuan village, Dungarpur district where a man, Kanji Pargi allegedly took the life of his three-year-old son, Ayush, by slitting his throat. This horrifying act occurred while the toddler was asleep beside his mother in their thatched house. Pargi then fled the scene but was apprehended by authorities on Saturday morning.
Ayush was the youngest of Pargi’s five children. His mother, despite her desperate efforts, was unable to save him and remained by his side throughout the night until a villager alerted the police early Saturday morning. Sunil Chawla, the in-charge of Kuan police station, described the heart-wrenching scene: “We saw the little boy’s body lying on a cot in their house, and bloodstains on the ground.”
The police discovered a grave dug in the courtyard of Pargi’s house, suggesting that the murder might have been premeditated and possibly motivated by superstitious beliefs. Sandeep Singh, the DySP of Simalwada police station, noted that the mother was deeply traumatized and unable to provide significant information to the police. He stated, “The accused father has been detained. We are currently interrogating him. The motive behind this murder remains unclear at this moment.”
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