In a disturbing turn of events, a fake National Cadet Corps (NCC) camp in Tamil Nadu’s Krishnagiri has been linked to the sexual assault of a young girl and abuse of at least a dozen other students, according to police reports on Monday. The fraudulent camp, organized under false pretenses, led to the arrest of eleven individuals, including the camp’s organizer, the principal of the associated private school, two teachers, and a correspondent.
Investigations have revealed that the private school did not actually have an NCC unit. A group falsely claimed that hosting the camp would enable them to establish one, and the school management failed to conduct necessary background checks on this group. As a result, 41 students, including 17 girls, participated in the three-day camp earlier this month. The camp lacked proper supervision, with no teachers assigned to oversee activities.
According to police, the girls were housed in the school’s auditorium on the first floor, while boys were placed on the ground floor. Allegedly, the girls were lured from their dormitory and sexually assaulted. “The school authorities were aware of the sexual offences but chose to suppress the matter rather than alert the police. Students were reportedly advised not to take the incidents seriously,” stated District Superintendent of Police, P. Thangadurai.
The accused individuals face charges under the stringent Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. Medical examinations have been conducted on the victims, and the District Child Welfare Committee has initiated appropriate actions. The police are also investigating whether the fraudulent group has previously conducted similar camps at other schools.
This case has emerged amid national outrage over a recent horrific incident involving the rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor at Kolkata’s RG Kar Hospital. The public’s response underscores a growing demand for justice and enhanced protection for vulnerable individuals.
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