Mahua Moitra, a Trinamool Lok Sabha MP, has claimed that the Lok Sabha Ethics Committee, which was looking into her involvement in the “Cash for Query” case, was acting in a manner akin to a “Kangaroo” court. The TMC MP added that the committee lacks the authority to remove her from the Lok Sabha in a post on X.

“Proud to go down in parliamentary history as 1st person to be unethically expelled by Ethics Comm whose mandate doesn’t include expulsion. 1st expel & THEN ask govt to ask CBI to find evidence. Kangaroo court, monkey business from start to finish” said Mahua Moitra in her post.

The MP from Krishnanagar further asserted that the accusation made against her by the BJP and its member Nishikant Dubey would enable her to secure a larger margin in 2024 when she runs for the Lok Sabha. “They say, ‘Never Waste a Good Crisis. Mahua Moitra wrote on X, “Thanks BJP Dung For Brains this just helped me double my 2024 winning margin.” The leaders of several opposition parties firmly backed Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra on Thursday after the Lok Sabha Ethics Committee adopted the report on the “Cash-for-Query” charges against the MP.

The Trinamool Congress has also backed its MP questioning the functioning of the Lok Sabha Ethics Committee headed by BJP MP Vinod Sonkar.