National Investigative Agency (NIA), on Monday, gave consent to jailed Kashmiri leader Engineer Rashid to take oath as MP on July 5. The leader, whose official name is Sheikh Abdul Rashid, surprised everyone with his electoral victory in the Baramulla Lok Sabha seat. He is currently lodged in Tihar Jail in Delhi in a 2017 terror funding case. Additional Sessions Judge Chander Jit Singh will on Tuesday pass an order on the interim bail plea of Rashid.
Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos will attend Donald Trump’s inauguration, according to reports.…
Severe fog in Delhi-NCR disrupted travel, delaying over 100 flights and 26 trains due to…
A Drishti 10 Starliner drone, built by Adani Defence and Aerospace, crashed off Gujarat's Porbandar…
Fitness expert Vinod Channa explains intermittent fasting's growing popularity, highlighting celebrity endorsements, ease of creating…
Following a deadly crash in Gujarat, the Indian Army has grounded its fleet of Dhruv…
Mark Zuckerberg will co-host a black-tie reception for Donald Trump’s inauguration alongside notable billionaire donors.…