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  • Elderly people need special care in Covid times

Elderly people need special care in Covid times

We need to recognise, respect and celebrate the contribution and dedication of our senior citizens towards building the very society which we are living in.

Elderly people need special care in Covid times

As the storm strikes, if you look at branches, the tree appears to be falling. But if you look at the trunk, you realise its stability! Over the years, the same tree that gave us shelter, fruits and clean air, grows old. The trunk become weaker, the roots have shaken up. A small storm is now capable of uprooting this old tree. This tree depicts our older generation and Covid-19 depicts one of the many storms in their lifetime.

Retired from professional responsibilities, the old population enters its second innings, with expectations of recognition of the authority, wisdom, dignity and restraint for their lifetime of experience. These values are often overlooked in some societies, where senior citizens suffer from neglect, abuse and violence in many forms. These people forget seniors’ contribution to society. The culture of utilitydriven relationship finds no place or respect for the old due to their diminishing returns. At these societies and homes, seniors are being felt like a burden for the family purse. The lack of sensitivity towards their emotional, physical and social requirements leads to loneliness and sufferings. They are often forced to live in isolation. The bizarre reality of such societies could be seen in most urban landscapes and the Covid-19 pandemic has only worsened their condition.

The senior citizens in the urban places, before coronavirus, often found solace through daily walks, laughter clubs, long discussions over a cup of tea, and evening chit chats with their fellow age mates. The remaining time was invested in newspaper, television news and smartphones, apart from household and grandchildren’s responsibilities. If time permitted, a few could pursue their hobbies and interests.

Their already compressed solace and freedom vanished with the Covid-19 storm, as the 65+ age group of citizens is expected to stay at home, as a precautionary measure. The presence of the deadly virus can be seen in newspapers, television screens or even WhatsApp which has taken away their freedom and peace of mind. The covid-19 fear and its mortality statistics added to their worries further. 

Their disregard worsened to the extreme as people in the neighbourhood and the family too, started neglecting their old members. At many places cases propped up where adults denied entry at home to their corona-recovered/cured old parents. The fear of infection and death added to their miseries.

The WHO defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. This definition, during covid-19 times and otherwise, is narrowed down to physical health alone, thereby neglecting the psychological toll social distancing is taking on elderly. Their social and mental health is at risk.

The United Nation’s Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing suggested certain measures for the better integration of our old age people in the family and community as a whole. We need to recognise, respect and at times celebrate the contribution and dedication of our senior citizens towards building the very society which we are living in. The pandemic has given us ample time to reorganise ourselves, rectify past mistakes, if any, and leave aside unnecessary materialist pursuits for valuable human relations, at home and in the society.

There is a magic in human relations and family living together and kids should experience this magic. A small compassionate, friendly step from us would be a big step seniors’ well-being. A smile and greeting to an old passerby could be a kind gesture from the kid which is enough to make them feel integrated with the society. Ultimately it’s about taking time from our busy lives, to make them feel important and being cared. As at the root of all human civilisations is love, compassion and a deep sense of gratitude. We need to remember that age is irreversible and inevitable as life comes full circle for everyone! To stand tall and withstand the storm, the old tree requires necessary support, care and strengthening at the root level.

The writer is an Indian Information Service officer at the I&B Ministry, GoI, and author of ‘Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude’ (McGraw-Hill Publication).



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