On Monday, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar accused Congress leader Rahul Gandhi of “attacking Hindus” after Gandhi launched a fierce criticism of the BJP in the Lok Sabha. Jaishankar also alluded to Rahul Gandhi’s past comments on the Indian Army and his act of tearing up an ordinance in Parliament. Jaishankar’s remarks, posted on X, stated, “This is now the Leader of Opposition. Who attacks Hindus while professing brotherhood to all. Who disparages the Indian Army’s bravery, while expressing concern for their welfare. Who tears up Cabinet decisions, while preaching respect for the Constitution. Welcome to the politics of the Congress Party.”
Rahul Gandhi’s speech, delivered during the debate on the Motion of Thanks to the President’s address, included assertions that BJP leaders are not true Hindus because they engage in “violence and hate” continuously. This statement provoked significant protests from BJP members. Gandhi referred to teachings of non-violence and fearlessness attributed to Lord Shiva, accusing BJP MPs of contradicting these principles through their actions.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi intervened, emphasizing the seriousness of Gandhi’s allegations against the entire Hindu community. Gandhi responded by clarifying that his remarks targeted the BJP, asserting that neither the BJP, RSS, nor Modi could claim to represent all Hindus.
The heated exchange saw multiple interruptions, including interjections from five cabinet ministers and Home Minister Amit Shah, who demanded an apology from Gandhi for his remarks. Gandhi’s speech lasted approximately an hour and 40 minutes, punctuated by these numerous interventions.
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