The BJP on Monday accused the Ashok Gehlot-led Congress government in Rajasthan of ”breaking all records of corruption”, claiming that the political existence of many leaders will be under threat if the contents of the ”red diary” spill out. This comes a day after former Rajasthan minister and Congress MLA Rajendra Gudha claimed that he had saved Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot from trouble by securing a ”red diary” on his directions during a raid by the ED and the Income Tax Department against party leader Dharmendra Rathore.
Speaking to reporters in the national capital, BJP leader and Union minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat claimed that the political existence of many leaders will be under threat if the contents of the diary highlighted by Gudha are spilt out. The Congress government is full of diaries related to various scams connected with like mining, recruitment and exams, he further claimed, alleging that it has crossed all limits of corruption. , he further claimed, alleging that it has crossed all limits of corruption. Gudha, who held charge as the minister of state for Sainik Kalyan (Independent Charge), Home Guard and Civil Defence, Panchayati Raj and Rural Development, has been targeting Gehlot following his sacking on Friday evening, hours after he cornered his government in the Assembly over the issue of crimes against women in the state.
Meanwhile, amid opposition parties’ demands for a discussion on the situation of Manipur in Parliament, Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal on Monday said that discussions should also be held on whatever is happening in West Bengal and Rajasthan. The Union Minister said that discussions should be held in “totality” including Manipur, wherever atrocities against women are taking place.
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