Delhi Minister Atishi’s health has declined significantly on the fourth day of her indefinite hunger strike. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader is protesting for Haryana to release Delhi’s “rightful share of water.” Despite doctors advising hospital admission, Atishi remains steadfast, continuing her fast at Jungpura’s Bhogal.

“My blood pressure and sugar levels are dropping, and my weight has gone down. Ketone levels are very high, which can have harmful effects in the long run. No matter how much my body suffers, I will continue the fast till Haryana releases water,” she stated.
According to the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Atishi’s weight and blood pressure are rapidly declining, with doctors from LNJP Hospital labelling the situation as “dangerous.” Before the hunger strike, her weight was 65.8 kg, which has come down to 63.6 kg on just the fourth day of the hunger strike, Times of India reported.