A Delhi resident recently shared his disappointing experience on social media after ordering gold from Blinkit during the Dhanteras festival, only to receive less gold than expected. Mohit Jain, who intended to purchase a 1-gram Mata Lakshmi gold coin and a 1-gram silver coin, both prepaid, was surprised to find a discrepancy upon delivery.
As Jain was not home to receive the items, he entrusted his younger brother with the OTP required for verification. When he returned 20 minutes later, he found that the delivered item was a 0.5-gram Malabar gold coin with a rose design, instead of the 1-gram Mata Lakshmi gold coin he had ordered.
Attempting to return the incorrect item, Jain was further disappointed to find the return window had already closed. “I can’t contact any support executive,” he explained, describing his frustration with Blinkit’s customer service.
In his efforts to seek assistance, he called the delivery agent and shared, “I literally cried while talking to him,” adding that the agent even had photos of the coin before delivery but still could not help. “He said there was nothing he could do even after knowing he delivered the wrong item.”
Feeling disheartened, Jain noted it would be his “first and last time” ordering an expensive item from Blinkit, as he found himself only able to interact with AI bots, with no real customer support. Jain also mentioned he has CCTV footage as proof of the wrong item being delivered, underscoring his disappointment with Blinkit’s lack of accountability.
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