Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena wrote to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal expressing his “deep disappointment and concern” with regard to the “pathetic state” of hospitals under the Health Department of GNCTD (Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi).”
Lt Governor Saxena on Saturday in his letter said, “I am writing to express my deep disappointment and concern with regards to the pathetic state of hospitals under the Health Department of GNCTD. Even as tall claims to the contrary have been made consistently by you and your ministers, recent media reports highlighting the scathing observations made by the Hon’ble Delhi High Court on the dismal state of affairs in Delhi’s government hospitals have brought to the fore a rot that seems to have become deep-rooted.”
He further stressed, “You would appreciate that as the National Capital, Delhi deserves a world-class healthcare system that prioritizes the well-being of its citizens and not one plagued by systemic dysfunction and neglect, as the case is now.”
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