Aam Aadmi Party leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh filed a plea on Friday, but the Delhi High Court denied it. The plea was against Singh’s arrest and remand in connection with the alleged liquor “scam.” Sanjay Singh had declared in his plea that he is neither a suspect nor an accused and that the petitioner has not been involved in any way up to this point, even though two supplementary charge sheets and one main charge sheet have been filed over the course of more than a year. The order was issued by Justice Swarna Kanta Sharma’s bench, which also declared that there was no justification for the court to tamper with the arrest or remand order.
The petition is premature at this stage and the investigation is still to take place, stated the Court.
On the last date of the hearing, appearing for ED, Additional Solicitor General (ASG) SV Raju submitted that Singh had been arrested in the interest of investigation after following the due process of law. “During the investigation, it is revealed that Sanjay Singh is also a part of a conspiracy of the Delhi Liquor Scam and is closely related to Dinesh Arora and Amit Arora. He has been part of collecting kickback and has received proceeds of crime to the tune of 2 crore,” the ED’s counsel submitted.
“The trial court which passed the order has perused the case paper that reasons have been recorded in writing and thus it is in compliance with section 19. Facts stated nowhere show that his arrest is unwarranted or unreasonable. Even his contention regarding remand application mechanically without considering is wrong and misleading. General submissions are made off the cuff. The remand is not mechanical and there is total application of mind,” he said.
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