Delhi’s Health Minister, Saurabh Bharadwaj, convened an emergency meeting with major hospitals heads on Wednesday to address the challenges posed by the ongoing severe heatwave in the city. Emphasizing the need for immediate action, Bharadwaj directed hospitals to augment health facilities, specifically urging them to increase bed capacity for patients suffering from heat-related illnesses.
During the meeting, it was decided that Delhi Police would assist in relocating homeless individuals to shelter homes if found exposed to the elements. Additionally, Bharadwaj announced plans to launch a new advisory campaign across radio and newspapers to raise awareness about mitigating heat-related health risks.
In a strongly worded letter to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Bharadwaj expressed dismay over the absence of Health Secretary SB Deepak Kumar, alleging unauthorized leave amidst the critical heatwave situation. “It is unacceptable that the Health Secretary has taken prolonged leave without my permission during this unprecedented heatwave,” Bharadwaj stated, highlighting the severe implications for the functioning of the Health Department.
Seeking accountability from the MHA, Bharadwaj posed several questions regarding the circumstances surrounding the Health Secretary’s extended absence and the lack of disciplinary action taken thus far.
In a separate directive as Delhi’s Urban Development Minister, Bharadwaj instructed the CEO of the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB) to take action against senior officers who failed to conduct inspections of homeless shelters as mandated. He criticized the non-compliance and underscored the need for rigorous oversight to ensure the adequacy of facilities such as water dispensers and coolers in shelter homes.
Bharadwaj also emphasized the importance of maintaining operational efficiency in privately managed night shelters, stressing that lapses in service would be met with stringent inspections to uphold accountability.
As Delhi grapples with soaring temperatures, Bharadwaj’s proactive measures and demands for accountability from concerned authorities underscore the urgency of preparedness and responsiveness in safeguarding public health during the heatwave.
The city continues to monitor developments closely as efforts intensify to protect vulnerable populations and ensure adequate healthcare infrastructure amidst challenging weather conditions.
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