According to Railway officials on Sunday, up to 23 trains are running late in Delhi as a result of the area’s poor visibility caused by thick fog. Indian Railways reports that the Howrah-New Delhi Poorva Express and the Azamgarh-Delhi Kaifiyat Express are delayed by five hours each, and the Puri-New Delhi Purushottam Express is delayed by nearly seven hours. The Saharsa-New Delhi Vaishali Express, the Allahabad-New Delhi Prayagraj Express, and the Rajendranagar-New Delhi Sampoorn Kranti are among the approximately five trains that are four hours late. While the Padmavat Express is nearly three hours late, the Sealdah-New Delhi Rajdhani is 1.45 hours late.
As per the Railways, the Pune-Nizamudin Duronto is running late by 2 hours while Bhopal-Nizamuddin Express is running late by 6 hours and Durg-Nizamuddin S Kranti is running late by 3.50 hours.
Also, the Chennai-New Delhi GT express is running late by almost 6 hours, the Railways said.
Meanwhile, the India Meteorological Department has forecast dense to very dense fog at most places over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, and Delhi, at many places over Uttar Pradesh, at a few places over Uttarakhand, at isolated places over the northern parts of Rajasthan and dense fog at isolated places over Jammu and Kashmir and the lower division of Himachal Pradesh on Sunday.
IMD has said that the mercury would plunge further in the first week of January 2024, with temperature hovering between 10 and 7 degrees Celsius at the Safdarjung Observatory in the national capital.
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