Kiran Pal, a Delhi Police constable, was tragically slain on Friday while on night patrol in Govindpuri. Three men allegedly planned a heist and stabbed the 28-year-old. Two suspects, Deepak Max (20) and Krish Gupta (18), were arrested on Saturday, while the third, Raghav, was killed in an encounter in Sangam Vihar after opening fire on police.
Around 5:30 am on Friday, Constable Pal, on his motorbike, intercepted the trio riding a scooter. Suspecting foul play, he confronted them, but the men threw stones to escape. Pal blocked their scooter with his bike and removed the keys. In retaliation, one of the men stabbed him with a knife.
Also Read: Delhi Police Enforces GRAP Stage IV with Vehicle Checks
Nearby officers rushed him to Majidia Hospital, but he succumbed to chest and and abdominal injuries.
Police conducted a manhunt after the incident and apprehended two of the attackers on Saturday. Raghav, the third suspect, was located in Sangam Vihar. He started shooting at cops as they attempted to arrest him. Raghav was hurt by the officers’ retaliation and passed away in the hospital. The three are suspected by police of being drug users who committed small-time crimes.
In 2018, Constable Kiran Pal, a native of Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, joined the Delhi Police. He was moved to Govindpuri earlier this year after being initially assigned to Kishan Garh. His dedication to service is demonstrated by his sacrifice.
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