In a tragic incident in northwest Delhi’s Shakurpur, a 30-year-old man named Vikram Kumar was fatally attacked by a grocery shop-owner, Lokesh Gupta, and his two sons, Priyansh and Harsh. The altercation reportedly stemmed from the Kumar family’s decision to stop purchasing from Gupta’s store due to unresolved issues.
Incident Details
Date: June 30
Location: Shakurpur, Northwest Delhi
Victim: Vikram Kumar, 30 years old
Sequence of Events
1. Background: The Kumar family had been regular customers of Gupta’s grocery shop. However, about a month prior to the incident, they ceased buying from Gupta’s store, which led to tension between the two parties.
2. The Attack:
Time: Around 10 pm on Sunday
Assailants: Lokesh Gupta and his sons, Priyansh and Harsh
Weapons Used: Iron rod and scissors
Nature of the Attack: During the confrontation, Gupta and his sons struck Vikram Kumar on the head with an iron rod and stabbed him in the neck with scissors, resulting in his death.
Legal Action
Arrests: Lokesh Gupta and his sons, Priyansh and Harsh, have been arrested and charged with murder.
Police Statement
A senior police officer stated that the violent altercation arose from the family’s decision to discontinue purchasing from Gupta’s store, which enraged the shop-owner and his sons, ultimately leading to the fatal attack on Vikram Kumar.
This incident underscores the devastating consequences that can arise from seemingly minor disputes escalating into violence.
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