West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee launched a fierce critique of the BJP-led Central government on Sunday, attributing the state’s worsening flood situation to their neglect and failure to take action. Speaking to reporters before her visit to north Bengal, where flooding has severely impacted the region, she remarked, “Nothing has been done; the entire north Bengal is submerged. Everyone makes grand promises during elections and then disappears.”
Banerjee explained that the release of 5 lakh cusecs of water from the Koshi River in Nepal has exacerbated flooding in several areas of West Bengal. She detailed the situation: “I am going to North Bengal. I have visited about seven districts of South Bengal. DVC released water towards South Bengal. That water is flowing into the Ganga River through Bihar and Bengal, affecting Coochbehar, Jalpaiguri, and Alipurdwar, with possible floods in Malda, Murshidabad, and South Dinajpur.”
In addressing the ongoing rescue operations, Chief Minister Banerjee assured that affected individuals have been evacuated to safer locations. “The Chief Secretary has also been sent to North Bengal. Rescue and assistance work is ongoing by the police and state administration. I will hold a meeting after reaching there and then provide further updates,” she stated.
Meanwhile, Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari accused Banerjee of being responsible for the flooding crisis, criticizing her government’s response. “Mamata Banerjee is responsible for this… This is TMC’s failure. The government has completely failed here,” he said, highlighting the lack of essential supplies in affected areas.
Previously, Chief Minister Banerjee had indicated that the Central government plays a crucial role in flood management but has failed to act, leading to widespread devastation. In a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, she stated that floods have impacted five million people and requested emergency funds to aid recovery efforts. Banerjee emphasized the urgent need for financial support to mitigate significant crop losses, damage to public infrastructure, and the destruction of homes and livestock in the affected regions.
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