A day after being sworn in as Haryana’s Chief Minister, Nayab Singh Saini successfully passed the floor test during a special session of the state assembly. Saini, a Lok Sabha MP from Kurukshetra, expressed gratitude for the opportunity, attributing his political journey to the BJP. He acknowledged learning from former Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar and emphasized the importance of maintaining even the minutest details.
Saini met Governor Bandaru Dattatreya on Tuesday to stake his claim to form the government, replacing Khattar. The swearing-in ceremony took place at Raj Bhawan in Chandigarh, where four BJP leaders and one independent MLA were also sworn in as ministers. The new CM asserted that the BJP-led government enjoys the support of 48 MLAs, urging the Speaker to conduct the floor test.
The political landscape shifted after the collapse of the BJP-JJP alliance and Khattar’s resignation. Reflecting on the alliance’s breakdown, Khattar speculated that disagreements over Lok Sabha polls seat allocation might have played a role. Nayab Saini, known for his influence in the OBC community, is a trusted associate of Khattar and took over as the state BJP chief in October last year.
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