In connection with an investigation into the leakage of the railway recruitment exam question and answer sheets, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) searched about a dozen locations in Gujarat and Maharashtra on Tuesday. Around 12 locations, including Surat, Amreli, Navsari, Mumbai, Buxar, and others, are the target of raids, according to a senior CBI official. The case concerns the General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) question and answer papers that were leaked by the Railway Recruitment Center, Western Railways, Mumbai, and resulted in the discovery of incriminating documents and digital evidence.
A case was registered on a complaint from Western Railway, against certain officials of Railways and others including unidentified officials of a Mumbai-based private company on the allegations of leaking question and answer papers of the exam.
It was alleged that the computer-based test for the post of Non-Technical Popular Categories (Non-Graduate) Jr Clerk Cum Typist and Trains Clerk against GDCE Quota, was held on January 1, 2021, in which a total of 8,603 candidates appeared in the 28 examination centres across six cities such as Ahmedabad, Indore, Rajkot, Surat, Vadodara and Mumbai.
Some candidates were allegedly provided the paper through WhatsApp messages and few candidates were physically shown the question papers through mass gathering. It was also alleged that the said firm was appointed as the Examination Conducting Agency.
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