Eight individuals sustained injuries in a fire that erupted in Mumbai’s Bandra early Saturday morning. Three more injured have been identified as Samsher (50), Sangita (32) and Seeta (45). Dr Purva, Chief Medical Officer at Bandra Bhabha Hospital, provided updates on the injuries, with three more individuals identified. The fire, suspected to be triggered by an explosion in a cooking gas cylinder, prompted a swift response from Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) officials. Fi0refighters and engines were deployed to the scene, successfully bringing the fire under control.
The injured were admitted to Bhabha Hospital in Bandra for treatment. The Mumbai Fire Brigade (MFB) stated that the incident occurred around 6:19 a.m., with the fire believed to have resulted from an LPG cylinder explosion. The blaze, confined to electric wiring, installations, a clothing stock, and an upper-floored structure, was extinguished by 6:40 a.m.
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