The Tamil Nadu unit of the BJP has set an ambitious target to enroll 1 crore members within 45 days, with a deadline of October 15, according to H Raja, who is currently leading the party in the state while the state president, K Annamalai, is on a trip to the UK.
H Raja, who has been appointed as the convener of a 6-member committee to oversee the party’s activities in Annamalai’s absence, announced that the focus is on renewing existing memberships and enrolling new members to reach the 1 crore target. “We have fixed a target of 1 crore members to be enrolled within 45 days up to October 15. Apart from that, other political activities would continue as planned,” Raja.
Addressing Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin’s recent visit to the US, Raja expressed skepticism about the impact of the signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) on actual investments in the state. “Let the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu say what happened after his Dubai visit. How many thousands of crores have been invested in Tamil Nadu because of his visit? Has anything happened? Nothing. So like that, today MoUs may be coming, let us see if actual investment comes,” Raja remarked.
During his visit to the US, Chief Minister Stalin’s government signed several MoUs with multinational companies, pledging significant investments in Tamil Nadu.
The 6-member committee, appointed by BJP President JP Nadda, will coordinate with the state core committee and make decisions regarding the party’s activities in Tamil Nadu during Annamalai’s three-month educational training program in the UK, which began in September.
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