After facing defeat in 14 Lok Sabha seats in 2019, the BJP is preparing to launch a contact campaign in all temples and ashrams. A list of all religious places, social, and cultural sites from all religions is being compiled to reach out to them. After a recent meeting in Delhi, a new plan for contact on these Lok Sabha seats has been prepared. Work on this is starting this month.
Reconnecting with lost seats
The BJP is also focusing on the followers of all religious leaders from different religions. For this, a list of temples, ashrams, and religious, social, and cultural organisations coming to every assembly constituency is being prepared. After compiling this list, BJP workers will reach out to them with contact and harmony events such as unity feasts.
Party’s outreach to former constituency representatives
The BJP is focusing on the seats it lost in 2019. These include Rae Bareli, Lalgunj, Sambhal, Moradabad, Mainpuri, Ghazipur, Ghosi, Shravasti, Amroha, Bijnor, Jaunpur, Nagina, Saharanpur, and Ambedkar Nagar Lok Sabha seats that the BJP couldn’t win. The party has now prepared a special plan for these seats after working on them for two years through central ministers and officials. The BJP has asked its workers in these assembly constituencies to first establish contact with every former representative of every party. This includes former chiefs, councillors, former municipal council presidents, former municipal panchayat presidents, and former legislatorsand MPs. They have been asked to prepare a list in every assembly and then to contact them and explain the BJP’s policies.
Strengthening booths and expanding voter base
The process of booth formation in these Lok Sabha seats has begun. The BJP is now running booth-wise campaigns in these Lok Sabha seats. This campaign will be conducted until January. This will include everyone from ward presidents to district heads and Lok Sabha coordinators and supervisors participating in the process of booth formation. They will work to bring all booths of voters with the same ideology closer. For this, they will also provide suggestions to the workers along with the Election Commission. Not only that, they also need to increase their new voters, including those whose names have been cut.
Why is the BJP focusing on lost seats?
In 2014, the BJP won 73 seats in Uttar Pradesh. In this election, the opposition had only seven seats. In 2019, the BJP won only 16 seats, and by winning the Rampur by-election, it has raised its hopes. Now, there are only 14 such seats that the BJP has to retain from the opposition. The BJP’s efforts are now concentrated on trying to regain the seats won by the opposition. This includes an attempt to win back former opposition members. Since the entire opposition is uniting at this time, the BJP is making a strong push in these seats. The BJP also believes that if there is any risk in any of the 66 seats it won, it can be compensated by winning these seats. Temples and ashrams are also being used in this effort to make their followers lean towards the BJP.
This campaign is part of a comprehensive strategy to reconnect with voters and strengthen the party’s presence in these key constituencies. The BJP is keen on regaining lost ground and winning back the confidence of voters who supported them in the past.
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