BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla launched a scathing attack on Kantilal Bhuria, Congress’s Lok Sabha candidate from Ratlam in Madhya Pradesh. Poonawalla condemned Bhuria’s statement suggesting that those with two wives would receive Rs 2 lakh if Congress came to power, branding it as reflective of the “disgusting thinking” within the party and merely a ploy to secure votes.
Furthermore, Poonawalla accused the Congress of endorsing personal laws and polygamy, asserting that Bhuria’s remarks exposed the party’s true intentions. He criticized the Congress for using women merely as objects and manipulating societal norms for political gains. According to Poonawalla, the underlying message conveyed by Bhuria’s statement was that the Congress would reward those who increased their population through polygamy, thereby exploiting the notion of ‘vote bank politics’.
In essence, Poonawalla condemned the Congress’s stance, portraying it as endorsing regressive practices and prioritizing political expediency over genuine respect for women and societal values.
The BJP leader further criticized the Congress, alleging a lack of respect for women within the party, particularly citing their silence when controversial figures like Lal Singh are given tickets. Singh, known for his contentious stance regarding the 2018 Kathua gang rape and murder case, has been nominated by Congress for the Lok Sabha elections in Udhampur-Doda.
Former Union Minister and Congress Lok Sabha candidate Kantilal Bhuria added fuel to the fire by announcing at a rally in Ratlam that those with two wives would receive Rs 2 lakh if Congress came to power, aligning with the party’s manifesto promise of providing Rs 1 lakh annually to women through the ‘Mahalaxmi Scheme’.
In response to Bhuria’s statement, Madhya Pradesh BJP spokesperson Narendra Saluja urged the Election Commission to take action, labeling the comment as objectionable and indicative of the Congress’s low regard for the nation’s leadership and its citizens.
Bhuria is contesting on a Congress ticket against BJP’s Anita Chauhan in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections for Ratlam constituency scheduled on May 13, marking the final phase of voting in Madhya Pradesh, encompassing eight constituencies. The counting of votes is set for June 4.
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