Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday said that Rajasthan is going to give all 25 Lok Sabha seats to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a third time. Addressing a poll rally in Bhilwara, Shah also targeted former chief minister Ashok Gehlot, saying that he was stuck in the election campaign of his son Vaibhav Gehlot, the Congress candidate from the Jalore seat. Vaibhav Gehlot is going to lose the election by a huge margin, the Union minister claimed.
“The first phase of elections was yesterday (Friday). All 12 seats of Rajasthan that voted in the first phase are going to Narendra Modi. Rajasthan is going to make a hat-trick of giving all 25 seats to Narendra Modi for a third time,” Shah said.
He also hit out at Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, claiming that they go on vacations abroad every three months. “Priyanka Gandhiji returned from Thailand after a vacation in the middle of the elections,” he added.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah, on Saturday, is addressing a series of rallies in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh in support of Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla and veteran Bollywood actress Hema Malini.
After concluding the rallies in Rajasthan, the Home Minister will proceed to Uttar Pradesh, where around 4 p.m., he will address an electoral gathering in Mathura Lok Sabha constituency at the Vrindavan Priyakant Ju Temple ground.
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