Before the Lok Sabha elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party Minority Morcha will travel the nation on a “Sadbhawana Yatra” to connect with the minority communities. The 543 Lok Sabha constituencies in India with a majority of Muslims are the target audience for this yatra. The goal of this Sadbhwana Yatra, according to Jamaal Siddiqui, national president of the BJP Minority Morcha, is to familiarize the Muslim, Sikh, Jain, and Parsi communities with the welfare programs of the Modi administration at the national level.
BJP’s Sadbhavna Yatra will pass through the entire 543 Lok Sabha constituencies of the country, but the focus will be 65 minorities dominant areas. For this, the Morcha has divided the entire country into six clusters, and for this, a complete team has been formed with coordinators, conveners, and co-convenors.
He mentioned that under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, the minority communities have become participants in the country’s development, benefiting from initiatives like the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A in Kashmir and the eradication of practises like triple talaq, as well as women’s empowerment.
Through this journey, the Minority Morcha aims to bridge the gap between the Muslim community and the BJP and work towards greater Muslim community participation in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
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