The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) took a sharp dig at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi following his recent walk and dinner at Lal Chowk in Srinagar, questioning the circumstances that made such a visit possible. Union Minister G Kishan Reddy, along with BJP’s Jammu and Kashmir Prabhari Tarun Chugh, claimed that Gandhi’s ability to freely roam in Lal Chowk was a direct result of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s decisive actions in the region.
“Rahul Gandhi is able to walk through Lal Chowk today only because of the peace brought by PM Modi’s leadership,” Reddy stated. He further questioned, “Was it possible in the past five decades to roam in Kashmir like this? The answer is a clear no.”
Tarun Chugh echoed these sentiments, emphasizing that the situation in Jammu and Kashmir has fundamentally changed due to the Union government’s policies. He suggested that Gandhi’s visit would not have been conceivable in previous years, underscoring the BJP’s narrative of restoring normalcy and stability to the region.
The remarks come as the BJP continues to highlight the improvements in security and governance in Jammu and Kashmir under its administration, contrasting it with the turmoil of previous decades.
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