Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, tensions have emerged within the ruling coalition of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Jannayak Janata Party (JJP) in Haryana. Independent MLA Nayan Pal Rawat recently stated that while some independent MLAs supporting Chief Minister ML Khattar’s government will ensure its survival, cracks within the alliance are becoming apparent. Rawat mentioned meeting with the Chief Minister and expressed his impression that the process of breaking the alliance with JJP has begun.
Rawat, elected from Prithla in the 2019 Haryana Legislative Assembly election as an independent candidate, emphasized his support for the current government. Another independent MLA, Dharampal Gonder, also confirmed their support for the BJP-led government.
Gopal Kanda, an MLA from the Haryana Lokhit Party (HLP), echoed Rawat’s sentiments, suggesting that while the alliance between BJP and JJP is strained, BJP could potentially secure all 10 Lok Sabha seats from the state independently. Kanda mentioned a forthcoming meeting with the Chief Minister to determine the future course of action.
In the 90-member Haryana Assembly, BJP holds 41 seats and is supported by 5 independent MLAs, including Kanda. The JJP reportedly called a meeting in Delhi, to be hosted by Haryana Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala, indicating the alliance’s fragile state. Chautala’s return of the government carcade is seen as a sign of the alliance’s weakening.
Former BJP MP Brijendra Singh from Hisar recently joined the Congress after resigning from the BJP, further highlighting political shifts in the region. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, BJP won all 10 parliamentary seats, while JJP, in alliance with AAP, struggled on the 7 seats it contested.
The Lok Sabha elections are anticipated to occur between April and May this year.
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