Haryana BJP President Mohan Lal Badoli (61) and singer turned politician Rocky Mittal have been booked on charges of gang rape by the Himachal Pradesh police on the complain of a woman. The police registered the FIR under sections 376D and 506 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) on December 13 last year at the Kasauli police station. As per the FIR, accessed by TDG, the complainant, a resident of Delhi alleged that the incident occurred at a hotel in Kasauli on July, 3, 2023. She alleged that the accused lured her under false promises—as Mittal offering her a role in his album and Badoli assuring her a government job using his political approaches. She further claimed that the duo forced her to consume alcohol and later assaulted her.
The woman alleged that her explicit photos and videos were taken during the incident. She also accused the men of threatening her with dire consequences if she disclosed the matter to police or anybody else. Later she was forcibly evicted from the hotel room, as she alleged. Acting on her complaint the Kasauli police registered the FIR and started the investigation. The police official associated with the investigation confirmed that the complainant had reportedly refused a medical examination. Meanwhile, the police have already questioned both Badoli and Mittal regarding the allegations.
Badoli, while addressing the matter over the phone, dismissed the allegations as baseless and politically motivated. “This is nothing but a political stunt. The accusations are false and have no connection with reality. The media should avoid sensationalizing such baseless claims,” he stated. With Badoli is looking for another term as Haryana BJP president but the incident has sparked political controversy in Haryana politics as Himachal Pradesh is governed by the Congress party.
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