The Bharatiya Janata Party has filed a complaint against Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad Yadav, accusing him of violating the Model Code of Conduct(MCC) while casting his vote in Bihar on Saturday. Bihar has 40 Lok Sabha seats, all of which went to polls in seven phases.

In a complaint submitted to the Election Commission of India ECI, SD Sanjay, president of the BJP’s state legal cell, alleged that Yadav breached the rules by carrying a green towel emblazoned with his party’s symbol. “Lalu Prasad Yadav, along with his wife Rabri Devi and daughter Rohini Acharya, went to the polling booth at the veterinary college ground in Patna. During this time, the RJD chief was carrying a green towel displaying his party symbol, a lantern. Such an act amounts to a violation of the model code of conduct as he was encouraging people to vote for his party,” Sanjay stated.

Sanjay further mentioned that he has requested the ECI to take action against Yadav and has sought an FIR to be filed in this matter.