The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) alleged that the BBC’s propaganda is almost identical to the agenda of the Congress, as the Income Tax Department team reached the BBC offices in Delhi and Mumbai on Tuesday, and the officials described it as ‘survey.”
BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia said that “the Income Tax Department has the right to do its work; if the BBC has not done anything wrong, then why are you scared?”
He went on to say that the BBC should not “spew venom” while operating in India.”The BBC has been doing anti-India propaganda.”
The computers kept in the accounts and finance departments, respectively, were scanned. As per the sources, the officials said that the devices will be scanned, and after taking backups, all the devices will be returned to their owners.
Bhatia also lashed out at the Congress for criticising the survey. He reminded them that the Congress party had banned the BBC while Indira Gandhi was the prime minister of India.
Media organisations that are operating from India will need to follow the rules and regulations set by the country. This was stated by BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia regarding the ongoing survey of the BBC offices in Delhi and Mumbai by the IT department.
Unfortunately, it is not wrong to call the BBC the most ‘Bhrasht Bakwaas Corporation’ across the world. Currently, India is on the path of progress under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
One of the slain terrorists, LeT commander Burhaan Wani, was described as a revolutionary by the BBC. Former UK PM Margaret Thatcher once dubbed the BBC the ‘Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation.”
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