Senior BJP leader Satish Poonia, who is in-charge of Haryana, on Thursday challenged Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi to select a common man from a backward class as Congress party’s chief ministerial candidate in Haryana.

Poonia said the BJP has taken a significant step by declaring Nayab Singh Saini, an ordinary man from the OBC (Other Backward Class) community, as its CM face. This move, Poonia said, demonstrates the BJP’s dedication to advancing individuals from marginalised communities into positions of leadership.

In an exclusive interaction with the Daily Guardian, Poonia said his challenge to Rahul Gandhi is based on in Gandhi’s emphasis on caste census and the uplift of backward classes. Poonia argued that Gandhi’s actions should reflect his rhetoric and asked whether he is prepared to make similarly bold decisions within his own party.
Poonia’s comments come amid the ongoing political debate over caste representation and broader issues of social justice and leadership in politics.
Poonia alleged that Rahul Gandhi’s strategies are not aimed at uplifting the backward classes, rather, they serve to confuse them.

Arguing that Gandhi shows no genuine concern for these communities, he said neither the Congress nor its chief ministers belong to ordinary workers. He accused Gandhi and the Opposition of misleading the public during the Lok Sabha elections with falsehoods such as ending reservations through Constitutional changes.
Poonia strongly defended the Agnipath scheme and accused the Opposition of misleading the youth with false claims. Poonia said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has consistently advocated for Agniveer Scheme to maintain a youthful Army. He accused the Congress and the Opposition of concealing the facts about the scheme.

Poonia said there have been no change in the number of permanent recruitments in the Army. While 500 permanent positions remain unchanged, an additional 1,000 Agniveer recruits are added, resulting in a total of 1,500 soldiers being inducted, he said. This arrangement provides employment to 1,000 youth for four years. After their service, Agniveers will receive a 10% reservation in paramilitary forces, with BJP-ruled states also offering similar reservations in government jobs.

Poonia noted that Haryana has already implemented the reservation and private companies are also considering hiring Agniveers. He emphasised that the discipline and training from the Army will make Agniveers highly employable in both government and private sectors.
According to Poonia, the Agniveer scheme presents significant employment opportunities, and no Agniveer who has served four years in the Army will be left unemployed. He reassured that all details about facilities and benefits have been provided by the Army and the defense minister, urging the public not to be swayed by the Opposition’s deceptive politics.

Poonia asserted that despite Congress’s attempts, the party is unlikely to win in Haryana. He said the people of Haryana will elect the BJP to form the government for the third time with a substantial majority.
He alleged Congress has always engaged in divisive politics, and Gan