Rahul Kaswan, Lok Sabha MP from Churu in Rajasthan, joins Congress on Monday, March 11, 2024, after resigning from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). After joining Congress, he said that “the voice of farmers is being neglected in the country, and this prompted him to join Congress.”
The announcement of Rahul Kaswan comes days after the BJP announced its first list of candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha election, in which Rahul didn’t feature, after which he showed displeasure against the party. He also shared his displeasure on his social media account, X (formally Twitter). He wrote, “After all, what was my crime? Was I not honest? Was I not hard-working? Was I not loyal? Was I tainted? Did I leave any stone unturned in getting the work done in Churu Lok Sabha?”
His post added, “I was at the forefront in the implementation of all the schemes of the Prime Minister.
What else was needed? Whenever I asked this question, everyone remained speechless. No one is able to answer this.”
Rahul Kaswan joined Congress in Delhi in the presence of Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge and Rajasthan Congress chief Govind Singh Dotasra. After joining Congress, Rahul addressed media persons and said, “I am grateful to Congress National President Mallikarjun Kharge, Sonia Gandhi, and Rahul Gandhi, along with Rajasthan Congress chief Govind Singh Dotasra and the party’s state charge, Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa. I am thankful to PM Narendra Modi, as I got the chance to work for the people for 10 years. The voice of farmers is being neglected. There are many such issues on which I decided to join the Congress Party.”
On the other hand, Mallikarjun Kharge said, We welcome Rahul Kaswan into Congress, and the party urged him to strongly fight for the principles he believes in. “We welcome him. His inclusion in the party will strengthen us.
He also said that for the issues of farmers, he would fight. I believe that he will strongly fight for the principles he and the Congress party believe in,” said the Congress president.
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