On Tuesday, the BJP unveiled a slate of nine candidates for the Rajya Sabha by-elections, featuring Union Ministers Ravneet Singh Bittu from Rajasthan and George Kurian from Madhya Pradesh. Senior BJP leader Kiran Choudhry, who recently switched from Congress, has been nominated from Haryana. This bypoll was prompted by Congress leader Deepender Singh Hooda’s election to the Lok Sabha from Rohtak.
The Election Commission of India (ECI) has scheduled the elections for 12 vacant Rajya Sabha seats across nine states for September 3.
These vacancies are due to leaders who have moved to the Lok Sabha, including Union Ministers Piyush Goyal, Sarbananda Sonowal, and Jyotiraditya Scindia. In addition to these three, other Rajya Sabha members who have transitioned to the Lok Sabha are Kamakhya Prasad Tasa (BJP), Misha Bharti (RJD), Vivek Thakur (BJP), Deepender Singh Hooda (Congress), Udayanraje Bhosle (BJP), K C Venugopal (Congress), and Biplab Kumar Deb (BJP).
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