The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has nominated Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal once again for the Bikaner Lok Sabha seat, marking his fourth consecutive term. Upon his arrival in Bikaner, Meghwal was greeted with great enthusiasm by party supporters, who chanted slogans of “Fir ek baar Modi sarkar, ab ki baar 400 paar.”
Meghwal was first elected as a Member of Parliament representing the BJP from the Bikaner constituency in 2009. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, he won the Bikaner seat by defeating his cousin and Congress leader Madan Gopal Meghwal.
Expressing his gratitude, Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal acknowledged the trust placed in him by the BJP for the fourth time. He thanked the national and state leadership, as well as the party workers, for showing faith in him. Meghwal highlighted t
he development work undertaken in sectors such as railways, roads, and air connectivity in Bikaner, stating that there is more work to be done.
The BJP released the names of 15 candidates from Rajasthan in its first list of candidates for the upcoming elections. This list includes Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla, four Union ministers, and a Paralympian. Rajasthan has 25 parliamentary constituencies.
Among the candidates announced, Mahendrajit Malviya and Jyoti Mirdha, who recently joined the BJP after quitting the Congress, were also given tickets. The party also nominated former chief minister Vasundhara Raje’s son and sitting MP Dushyant Singh from the Jhalawar Baran constituency.
The first list of candidates also includes 34 ministers from both the Union and state levels. The announced names cover 51 seats in Uttar Pradesh, 20 in West Bengal, and five in Delhi.
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