Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to introduce a groundbreaking health coverage initiative for citizens aged 70 and above under the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) on October 29. This initiative will offer senior citizens access to free treatment worth up to ₹5 lakh annually at any AB PMJAY-affiliated hospital. Additionally, the launch will also feature the unveiling of the U-WIN portal, a digital platform to maintain vaccination records for children and pregnant women, modeled after the Co-WIN vaccine management system.

Key Details of the AB-PMJAY Health Coverage Plan

Eligibility and Coverage

The scheme targets citizens aged 70 and above, offering them coverage irrespective of their income status. As per Aadhaar records, an estimated six crore individuals from approximately 4.5 crore households stand to benefit from this initiative. Senior citizens already enrolled in AB PM-JAY will receive a top-up of ₹5 lakh annually, which is exclusively allocated for their healthcare needs.

Registration Process

To participate, citizens need to register on the PMJAY portal or through the Ayushman Bharat app. Current Ayushman cardholders must complete a re-registration process with eKYC verification for a new card to access the enhanced benefits.

Geographical Scope

The program will be implemented in 33 states and Union Territories, excluding Delhi, Odisha, and West Bengal. Senior citizens with private health insurance, Employees’ State Insurance, or coverage under schemes like the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS), Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS), and Ayushman CAPF are eligible but must choose between their current policy and AB PMJAY.

Impact of the AB-PMJAY Scheme

The health ministry reports that AB PMJAY has supported 7.37 crore hospital admissions and has facilitated benefits worth over ₹1 lakh crore for the public, with nearly half of the beneficiaries being women. Currently, 29,648 hospitals, including 12,696 private facilities, are empaneled under the scheme as of September 1, 202