In a grim incident on Monday, a devastating fire engulfed Balaji Enclave, residential apartments located at Bazarghat, resulting into the tragic loss of nine lives. Later, the Nampally Police booked a case against the owner, Ramesh Jaiswal, under Sections 304 (II), 285, 286 of IPC, and 9B (i) (6) of the Explosives Act 1989.
At the time of filing this report, the owner remained at large, prompting special teams to be formed for his apprehension. Telangana Minister K.T. Rama Rao visited the site and asked the police to take stringent measures against those found responsible for the incident.
Notably, the Fire Department officials said that no prior complaints had been filed regarding the storage of chemicals in substantial quantities within the building. Forensic experts conducted examinations, and GHMC and fire department officials initiated separate inquiries to ascertain the circumstances surrounding the tragedy.
According to the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), the fire originated from a short circuit during a car repair, leading to the ignition of diesel and oil stored in containers. However, ongoing investigations aim to uncover any lapses and determine the precise cause of the accident.
Expressing deep shock over the tragic fire accident at Bazarghat in the Nampally area of Hyderabad City, Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao extended his heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members. CM KCR promptly ordered the officials concerned to undertake relief measures immediately, ensuring better medical care for the seriously injured. The CM also ordered the authorities to remain vigilant at all times, taking appropriate measures to prevent such incidents in the future.
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