The Cuddalore district police on Monday registered a case against Tamil Nadu BJP leader K Annamalai for making false allegations and stating that a woman was murdered by a group of men since she didn’t vote for the DMK alliance. In a statement, Annamalai claimed that a group murdered a woman and attacked her family in Pakkirimaniyam village for not voting for the DMK-led alliance in the Lok Sabha polls.
However, the saffron party leader, who is busy campaigning in Karnataka, took to X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday to address the issue. Annamalai wrote, “I understand that the Fascist DMK Govt has filed an FIR on my name for exposing the truth about Smt Gomathi’s murder by DMK Goons. Listen to Smt. Gomathi’s husband & her relatives confirming that it wasn’t some previous enmity, and the real reason is that she voted for the BJP, which led to her being beaten up by DMK Goons. Fascist DMK cannot silence our voices by filing frivolous cases such as these, as many cases, including the ones filed by TN CM Thiru @mkstalin, have been filed against us for being the voice of the people & for exposing the truth. Thiru @mkstalin, the day of your ouster is not far. File as many cases as you want; we won’t compromise & budge!”
According to Tamil Nadu police officials, the woman was reportedly killed in an ongoing family dispute. They said there was enmity between two families in the village and a quarrel ensued on April 19.
During the fight that broke out, Kalaimani and his relatives assaulted Jayasankar and his sister-in-law, J Gomathi. Gomathi sustained internal injuries due to the attack and was declared dead upon arrival at a primary health centre in Andimadam.
The Cuddalore police have registered a case against Annamalai under Sections 153 (provocation with intent to cause riot), 504 (intentional insult to provoke breach of peace), and 505 (statements conducing to public mischief) of the Indian Penal Code. Earlier, three other people were also booked for spreading false information about the woman’s death on social media. 10 people have been booked on charges of murder, and five of them, including Kalaimani, his wife K Deepa, and three others, have already been arrested. The police are actively pursuing the remaining suspects who continue to evade arrest.
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