Three lives were lost in a devastating Andhra Pradesh road accident early Thursday morning in Andugulapalem, Vinukonda Mandal, Palnadu district. The victims—Solasa Bala Gangadhara Sharma, his wife, and their car driver—perished when their Innova lost control and collided with a tree. Five other passengers sustained injuries and are currently undergoing treatment at a private hospital. Circle Inspector Sambasivarao confirmed the incident and reported that the bodies of the deceased have been sent for post-mortem examinations.
In a separate incident earlier this week, tragedy struck near Kyasampalli in Kamareddy district, Telangana, when a private bus collided with a lorry around 3 am on Tuesday. The collision resulted in the death of a 25-year-old man identified as Afsar Khan and injuries to 30 others. Inspector Raju of Devanpally Police Station stated that the bus collided with the lorry from behind, causing the fatal accident. The injured were rushed to Kamareddy General Hospital and Nizamabad Hospital for treatment.
Andhra Pradesh authorities are continuing to investigate both accidents, and further details are awaited.
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