Police in Andhra Pradesh’s Prakasam district seized unaccounted cash worth over Rs 24 lakh from three individuals traveling in a car during a routine vehicle inspection at the South Bypass Junction in Ongolu jurisdiction. Circle Inspector Bakthavatsala Reddy confirmed the seizure, stating, “In a recent police operation, authorities confiscated a substantial sum of money, amounting to Rs 24.87 lakh from individuals traveling in a car.”
Reddy explained that two passengers were found carrying the cash in a bag while traveling from Ongolu Town to Kandukur. The flying squad team, led by Ongole Taluka CI Bhaktavatsala Reddy, conducted further investigation and interrogated the occupants, who claimed to be a driver and a clerk at Ranga Particle Bores Industries Private Limited in Kandukuru Town. They stated that the cash was meant for disbursing salaries to workers returning from Orissa, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan for the Holi festival.
“Despite their assertions, authorities found insufficient evidence to corroborate the individuals’ claims regarding the origin and purpose of the funds. Consequently, the money was seized pending the presentation of proper documentation and evidence,” Reddy said.
Officials clarified that the seized funds could be released upon the submission of valid documents; “otherwise, they will be deposited into the government treasury in accordance with established protocols,” Reddy added.
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