The Delhi Police has apprehended Arun Reddy, responsible for managing the ‘Spirit of Congress’ X account, regarding the altered video case involving Union Home Minister Amit Shah. The video allegedly portrays Shah expressing opposition to reservations, but during a speech in Congress-governed Telangana, Shah stated the BJP’s intent to revoke what they deem as unconstitutional reservations for Muslims if they come into power there, ensuring quotas for SCs, STs, and OBCs as mandated by the Constitution.
Previously, the Telangana Police had arrested five Congress members in relation to the manipulated video incident involving Shah. Kamal Medagoni, the Telangana Congress Media Convenor, clarified that the Delhi Police had not arrested these individuals.
The Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO) unit of the Delhi Police summoned 16 individuals from various states under Sections 91 and 160 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) concerning the dissemination of the doctored video featuring Shah. Among those summoned are six members of Telangana’s ruling Congress, including Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, directed to appear for questioning on May 1 at the IFSO unit in Dwarka, Delhi.
Under CrPC Section 160, the police can summon individuals for investigation, while Section 91 empowers them to request specific documents or electronic devices as evidence.
The Telangana unit of the BJP lodged a complaint against Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and the state Congress chief, accusing them of altering and manipulating Amit Shah’s speech. The complaint alleges that the Telangana Pradesh Congress Party posted a doctored video of Shah on its official X handle.
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