Actor Anupam Kher’s Mumbai office was recently targeted by thieves who broke in and stole a safe containing valuables, including negatives of his film Maine Gandhi Ko Nahi Maara and Rs. 4.15 lakh cash. The incident occurred at his office located on Veera Desai Road in Andheri. However, two suspects were nabbed by the Oshiwara Police within two hours following his complaint. The iron vault and its belongings were also recovered.
On Sunday, Kher took to X to thank the Mumbai police for their timely action. “My heartfelt gratitude to Mumbai police for catching both the thieves who ransacked my office. The fact that it was done within 48 hours speaks of amazing efficiency. Thank You Mumbai Police for their promptness,” he wrote.
Details of burglary at Kher’s office
Kher, on Thursday, shared details of the incident on social media, posting a video showing the broken lock on the office door. He expressed his dismay over the burglary, stating that the thieves managed to steal the entire safe from the accounts department. Additionally, negatives of a film produced by his company were also taken.
In his post, Anupam Kher mentioned that his office staff discovered the break-in and immediately reported it to the police. An FIR (First Information Report) has been filed, and the police have assured him that they are actively investigating the case. CCTV footage captured the thieves leaving the premises and getting into an autorickshaw with the stolen items.
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