On a Friday evening in Tiruchi, Tamil Nadu, an Air India Express pilot performed a miraculous maneuver, safely landing an aircraft carrying 144 passengers after experiencing a hydraulic failure. The plane circled the airspace for over two hours before making a safe landing past 8 pm. Among the passengers, six children LLYTwere reported to have narrowly escaped a potential disaster, according to sources.
Preliminary reports indicate that the AXB 613 flight, en route to Sharjah, took off from Tiruchi airport around 5:40 pm. Shortly after takeoff, the pilot identified a technical issue: the aircraft’s landing gear failed to retract. Acting swiftly, the pilot made the decision to return to Tiruchi’s airspace.
Amid tense moments, passengers prayed while the pilot contacted the Tiruchi Air Traffic Control (ATC) and prepared for an emergency landing. “As per standard operating procedure, the pilot circled in the air for over two hours to drain the fuel from the aircraft to a safe level and made a normal landing at night,” a source explained. Fortunately, all 144 passengers on board, including the six children, were safe, as confirmed by an official.
As a precaution, Tiruchi police and health authorities prepared for any emergency, positioning numerous firefighting engines and ambulances at the airport. Thankfully, none of these emergency services were needed. Anxious relatives, waiting outside the airport, expressed relief. “I spoke to my husband. He said he is safe,” said Farhana to a TV channel.
In response to the incident, Air India Express issued a detailed statement clarifying that no emergency was declared by the crew. The airline explained that after detecting a technical issue, the aircraft circled to reduce its fuel and weight before making a safe landing.
“We are aware of media reports related to an Air India Express flight operating on the Tiruchirappalli – Sharjah route. We would like to clarify that no emergency was declared by the operating crew. After reporting a technical snag, the aircraft circled multiple times in the designated area as an abundant precaution, to reduce fuel and weight considering the runway length, before making a safe precautionary landing. The cause of the snag will be duly investigated. In the interim, an alternative aircraft is being arranged for the onward journey of our guests. We regret the inconvenience and reiterate our commitment to prioritising safety in every aspect of our operations,” said the Air India Express spokesperson.
The cause of the technical issue is under investigation, and an alternative aircraft has been arranged to take passengers to their destination.
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