Two accused were arrested from Jyoti Nagar in an encounter with the team of special staff in the northeast district at 10:48 pm on Monday. Both the accused have been identified as Shibbu (22) and Misbah (21), residents of Jafrabad, Delhi. According to Delhi police, both criminals were travelling on a scooty, when the police intercepted them, and instead of stopping, they opened fire on the police team. In retaliation, the accused received bullet injuries to their legs and were arrested. Both of the accused were carrying semi-automatic pistols.
Both criminals were wanted in the Welcome double murder case, in which two people, Bablu and Pradeep, were shot dead on July 7 in the Welcome area. Both have numerous cases against them, including murder, and were out on bail. Both accused were taken to GTB Hospital, where they are undergoing treatment. The police team is further investigating them.
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