Artist-led production studio Accursed Share yesterday announced an NFT collection by celebrity photographer Frederic Auerbach that will give an exclusive insight into his work with five of Hollywood’s most notable celebrities as well as 30 never-before-seen ‘process’ photos culled from the working sessions with the stars.

The NFT collection, titled “Captured Moment: The Master’s Process,” will center around five famous figures – boxing legend Mike Tyson, singing legend Zendaya, as well as established actors like Natalie Portman, Benedict Cumberbatch and Sharon Stone.

The Master Series, which will feature celebrities, will be available for bidding in the middle of December. Winners will receive a dynamic NFT and a high-resolution one of the published work. The dynamic NFT is powered by an internal ‘smart contract’ innovation, Accursed Share’s proprietary technology, which displays an alternate edit of the final masterwork randomly at certain intervals.

Accursed Share CEO, John Connor said, “We wanted to give fans, collectors, and students of Auerbach’s work an internal view of his process and inspiration; we wanted to create a set of NFTs that really spoke to collectors and had engaging and intrinsic value.”

He added that Auerbach’s ability to capture the charisma and character of his subjects is unique in the world of photography, and his uncanny ability to ‘summon the ineffable’ in his images is very real. “This is something that seems to be missing from the current popular perception of NFTs, and we hope that this project -and other subsequent Accursed Share NFT projects will provide a renewed focus on high-quality NFT content and continue to push the boundaries of the medium,” Connor said.

Captured Moment’s first selections from the ‘Process Series’ will become available on December 5th, at which point early whitelist submissions will receive free airdrops of the first round.