The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) announced on Friday that Arvind Kejriwal will vacate the government bungalow he has occupied for the last 10 years within 15 days. AAP also called for government accommodation for Kejriwal, who resigned as Delhi’s chief minister on Tuesday. Rajya Sabha MP Raghav Chadha stated that the party would formally request the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (HUA) for the accommodation and expressed hope that the ministry would approve the request in the coming days, according to a PTI report.
Chadha emphasised that every political party is entitled to an office and residence for its president to work from the capital. According to a housing and urban affairs ministry memorandum from July 31, national party leaders are eligible for government accommodation if they lack any other official residence.
The memorandum states, “One residential accommodation would be allotted or allowed to be retained by the party president of a recognized national party, provided that no other accommodation has been allotted to him/her in any other capacity.” Chadha, as quoted by PTI, reiterated this point, stating that despite serving as chief minister for a decade, Kejriwal does not own a house, unlike many councillors who own cars, money, and bungalows after only a few years in office.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) responded critically to AAP’s demand. BJP spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor pointed out the contradiction in AAP’s stance, referencing AAP MP Sanjay Singh’s earlier praise for Kejriwal’s decision to relinquish power, the government bungalow, and other privileges. Kapoor said, “Now, Raghav Chadha is pleading for a bungalow for the AAP supremo.”
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Kapoor also criticized AAP’s approach, urging Chadha and other party leaders to stop holding press conferences on the matter. He suggested that they should instead formally apply for government accommodation through the appropriate channels, adhering to Kejriwal’s eligibility.
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