The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) announced on Monday that Mohinder Bhagat will be its candidate for the bypoll in the Jalandhar West reserved assembly segment, scheduled for July 10. Bhagat, who switched from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to AAP last year, previously contested the same seat unsuccessfully on a BJP ticket in 2022.
Saif Ali Khan, injured in a stabbing incident, was taken to the hospital in an…
HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccination is an essential preventive measure to protect against several strains of…
Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket launched successfully from Cape Canaveral, showcasing reusability and advancing commercial…
Saif Ali Khan, recovering from stab wounds, expresses gratitude to fans and doctors after multiple…
A recent Lancet Global Commission report calls for an overhaul of how obesity is diagnosed,…
Obesity and overeating are global health crises, with millions of people struggling to maintain healthy…