Amid heavy rains in Gangapur, a 65-year-old man, identified as Ramnivas Meena, tragically drowned on Friday after being swept away by strong river currents, as confirmed by Gangapur Police officials. According to the authorities, Meena was returning home after grazing his cattle when he slipped into the river, resulting in his death.
Sub-Inspector Bharat Singh from Sadar Thana stated that Meena was swept away by the river, prompting officials to rush to the scene for rescue efforts. “Yesterday, Ramnivas Meena was grazing his cattle from Gawadi Kala; at night, the water level had increased in Anikat river. He died after he lost his balance and fell into the river,” Sub Inspector Singh reported.
The village Patwari, Suman Lata Sharma, also confirmed the incident, adding that the community began searching for Meena when his cattle returned home without him. “Meena went in the morning to graze his cattle, and in the evening, when he did not return but the cattle did, people started looking for him,” Sharma said.
Sharma further mentioned that while the family has not made any demands, they will receive compensation and relief as per state government regulations. “There are no demands of the family; they are already grieving as one member of their family has passed away. The family will be getting their compensation and any relief as laid out by the government,” Sharma added.
However, villagers have expressed dissatisfaction with the response from the administration, claiming they received little assistance and had to retrieve Meena’s body from the river themselves late at night. The body has since been sent to the local mortuary for a post-mortem examination.
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