It is better to start the day with a delicious cereal beverage. A tasty and healthy way to start the day is with this smoothie made with chocolate millet and whey. Cereal smoothies using various types of millets, such as wheat, bajra, and ragi, were popular ingredients for morning drinks before oats and corn flakes gained popularity in India. Let’s have a look at the recipe of this super healthy morning drink.


  1. Dry Grocery
  • Slim Milk – 0.5 cups
  • Peanut – 12 units
  • Dates Seedless – 8 units
  • Ragi Flour – 2 teaspoons
  • Raw Whey – 4 teaspoons
  • Cocoa Powder – 0.5 teaspoons

2. Fruits & Vegetables

  • Banana Robusta – 0.5 unit

3. Other

  • Water – 0.25 glasss

Directions to prepare a smoothie
1. Dry roast Ragi Flour in a pan till aromatic.
2. Add hot Water and make dough like texture.
3. Soak Seedless Dates for 60 mins in hot water.
4. In a blender, add Peanut and soaked Dates. Add Slim Milk, Banana, cooked Ragi, Raw Whey, Cocoa Powder and blend to a smooth texture.
5. Pour in a glass and serve chilled.

Health Benefits of Choco Millet Whey Smoothie
Everyone will get benefit from the high level of nutrients in this chocolate millet whey smoothie, which includes proteins, fiber, calcium, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for maintaining good health. Whey protein is essential for bodybuilding in people of all ages and helps to decrease blood pressure. It is another excellent source of protein. Ragi is free of gluten and high in fiber, which aids in weight loss and prevents diabetes. In addition, the smoothie is enhanced in flavor by the earthy flavor that ragi flour imparts. This makes it an all-inclusive, nutritious, and healthful breakfast beverage.