A new video has surfaced shedding light on the case of Asma, a young girl from Karachi who disappeared and reappeared in Rahim Yar Khan, where she reportedly signed a marriage contract. As per ARY News, the video shows Asma, an eighth-grade student from Karachi’s Abbas Town, signing the marriage contract in a seemingly simple ceremony.
According to the Nikkah Khawan (Qazi) in the video, the girl agreed to the marriage willingly, despite not having a national identity card (NIC) or B-form. He stated that Asma claimed to be 19 years old and asserted that she was entering into the marriage of her own free will.
The Nikkah Khawan also mentioned, “I suggested the girl return to her home. She accused her mother of attempting to marry her off to an older man.” He clarified that he had no further contact with either the girl or her husband after the Nikkah ceremony.
The marriage was conducted at the Nikkah Khawan’s residence, with the girl affirming she was 19 years old. However, the girl’s ID card number was left unfilled on the Nikkah Nama.
Meanwhile, authorities in Karachi have launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the alleged ‘forced’ marriage, following a case of abduction filed at the Sachal Police Station.
The case took a surprising turn with reports of Asma’s purported ‘forced marriage’ in Rahim Yar Khan. According to Karachi police authorities, Asma declared herself to be 19 years old in the marriage certificate issued in Rahim Yar Khan. However, Asma’s mother contends that her daughter’s actual age ranges between 14 and 15 years old.
The mother disclosed that the man allegedly responsible for luring her daughter into marriage prohibits any direct communication between them, neither in person nor over the phone, as per ARY News.
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